Autumn 2023
Tuesdays, 18:30 - 20:30

Urban & Environmental Theory Sessions
Paola Viganò

The series of sessions on URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY is a curated collection of public discussions developing a deeper understanding of modern critical thought, a current reading and understanding of the territorial space in which we act, questioning the ever more complex relationships between nature and humanity, ecology and society. Examining the issues raised in the MAS UTD, each semester considers a specific theme, building toward the creation of a contemporary library of territorial knowledge.

  1. Resilience and the Unsolved Project
    Gabu Heindl & Doina Petrescu

  2. The Process of the Counterproject
    Nicolas Détrie & Klaus Overmeyer

  3. Dynamics of Spatial, Social & Political Degrowth
    Louis Destombes & Angelos Varvarousis